


Flurry Signs 300 Developers for it’s Free Analytics Service

January 27th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | No Comments »

Flurry started the New Year with over 300 developers using its free service within the first 60 days of going Beta. Flurry is now making available its free service to all iPhone, Android, Blackberry and J2me.

With new markets like the App Store reporting over 15,000 available games and applications, developer competition for consumers is fierce. Flurry's easy-to-integrate technology allows developers to gather live consumer usage data to improve their products, increase user retention and compete more effectively in these new markets.

Among the new features available is the ability for developers to track custom user events within games and applications. Similar to Google Analytics, but for mobile applications, developers can monitor custom-defined user actions within their applications to better understand how their products are used and where to make improvements. Comparing user behaviour and application performance across different versions enables teams to perform reliable A/B testing.

"Rapid adoption of Flurry Analytics validates we're solving a significant pain point for game and application developers. The response has exceeded our own expectations," said Flurry CEO, Simon Khalaf. "With more platforms supported than any other mobile analytics provider — and new features being added all the time — Flurry offers the most complete solution on the market."

During its recent Beta, Flurry stress-tested its service for aggressive and reliable scaling. "As a company whose legacy includes handling millions of mobile emails, we are using our experience to smoothly scale our back-end in order to satisfy the sharp demand for Flurry Analytics," said cofounder and CTO, Sean Byrnes. "Flurry Analytics has already supported millions of user sessions and has been put through high volume testing to prepare for its next phase of expansion."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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