


Flash Comes to iPhone (or so it seems)

October 1st, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Adobe Flash & Air | 1 Comment »

Many months ago we already reported about the problems that Adobe faced with the SDK in order to get Flash available on the device. Now, it seems revelation is coming to those that browse the web or simply want to play Flash based mobile games.

The announcement came during the Flash on the Beach event, held by Adobe. There, Paul Betlem, head of development, announced that Adobe is currently working on the client software.

When Flash will actually go live is unknown at the moment. That is up to Apple. As a lot of complaints about surfing the internet are about the lacking support of Flash content (which even lead to adverts being prohibited by court), the expectations are that Apple will make it available as soon as possible.

The Flash version itself is expected to be different from the regular Flash but also from Flash Lite. Steve Jobs said in March that Flash wasn’t good enough for the iPhone. So we are looking forward to see what Adobe has brewed together.

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    One Response to “Flash Comes to iPhone (or so it seems)”

    1. Ellenmathew says:

      Adobe confirmed at the Flash On The Beach conference in Brighton, UK that it is actually developing a Flash Player for the iPhone. Even though it’s still work in progress, with the iPhone is at its second generation, it iss about time Apple. Flash is basically the only thing that keeps the iPhone from not delivering the real Web in our hands, and now Adobe confirmed that such an application is in development.
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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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