


Financials: THQ Wireless FY 2007

April 10th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | No Comments »

ThqwirelessWe gathered the financial results of THQ Wireless for the full year of 2007 (year ended march 31st of 2008). Mobile results are down year-on-year.

Along the 2007 fiscal year, the company turned over $ 26,467,000 which represents 2.6% of the total revenues. In 2006, mobile games turned over $ 36,112,000. This represented 4.5% of total revenues. The wireless revenues don’t only consist of selling mobile content like games, but also providing infrastructure services for Minick.

Minick“The decrease is due to the sale of our interest in Minick in December 2006 and fewer new titles 36 released as we re-align our wireless product portfolio to emphasize more casual game content to position ourselves for wireless platform share gains in the future. We expect a slight decrease in wireless net sales in fiscal 2008, as compared to fiscal 2007, due to the sale of our interest in Minick, which comprised approximately 34% of total wireless net sales in fiscal 2007. Excluding net sales from Minick, we expect our wireless net sales to increase by approximately 50% in fiscal 2008 as we execute against our product strategy, leveraging our strong portfolio of owned and licensed properties.”

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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