


Financials: Gamevil Q1 2010

May 12th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | No Comments »

Korean mobile games publisher Gamevil has reported KRW3.37 billion in profits for the first quarter of 2010. Next to a record profit for the company, it also reported record revenues.

With a profit of KRW3.37 billion, Gamevil has seen a 99% year-on-year increase which is spectacular for any company in the industry. The total revenue calculated KRW6.3 billion which is also about 52% up year-on-year.The main revenue drivers where Baseball Superstars and Zenonia.

“Opportunity for growth in the global market through open markets such as Apple’s App Store has been a big momentum. We will continue promptly adapt to the rising base of advanced mobile platforms and deliveries through digital distribution.” Said Yong Kuk Lee, CFO Gamevil.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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