


FalconMobile Sues TelcoGames

December 4th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | 2 Comments »

FalconmobileThis morning when we opened our mailbox, we received an email from Kirill, one of the executive directors at FalconMobile Inc. Kirill explained to us that FalconMobile is planning out a lawsuit against TelcoGames.

With the lawsuit, FalconMobile hopes to get hold of non-paid revenues from one of the biggest aggregators in the world of mobile games.

“FalconMobile Inc. company plans to file a suit against the Telcogames company on grounds of non-payment of the latter for using our copyrights. Telcogames company, which is the biggest publisher, distributor and developer of games for mobile phones, protracts the royalty payment from selling the FamesMobile Inc. games for more than 12 month. Because of this FalconMobile Inc. company has suffered sufficient financial losses. One should note that this is far from being the first time when Telcogames company doesn’t execute payment. The aggregate damage equals to 100 000 US dollars.” said Kirill Shishkin, CEO of Falcon Mobile to MobileGamesBlog.com.

    2 Responses to “FalconMobile Sues TelcoGames”

    1. Oaf says:

      Oh oh, it’s started.
      Telco owe a lot of people a lot of money.
      I expect to see a number of announcements like this, as developers clamber to get their claim in before Telco go under.

    2. Oh dear, I signed with them about 6 months ago so I guess I’ll be writing to them in due course to terminate my agreement anyway before they go under (which on the surface seems likely all said and done).

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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