


Exclusive: Trip Hawkins about latest licensing developments

December 22nd, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

Lately we released a few posts about Digital Chocolate working on licensed games. As Tip Hawkins, CEO of Digital Chocolate always openly pursued original IP as a main driver for the company instead of licensing, this seemed to be a weird move. Curious as we are, we contacted him and asked why Digital Chocolate is making these deals.

“Regarding the Sopranos, our focus will always be on making mobile a first-rate platform via original and innovative applications. Now that we are well-established it is possible for us to extend that approach. The right game engine with the right design and the right property license can also make for an innovative mobile experience.” said Trip Hawkins, CEO of Digital Chocolate to the Mobile Games Blog, “We also care a great deal about our carrier partners, who often have exclusive marketing partnerships with major brands around which they want to create synergy with. When we can help out in a case like this, it supports and deepens our relationship with our channel customers. We are also helping to drive a trend in which the cost of these licenses comes down to something reasonable. That allows more money to remain in the mobile ecosystem and to be used on product development to make the best games.”

Looking at the mobile games market, Trip has shown us that original IP can get you amongst the top performing companies in the industry. From the statement he gave us, we make clear that now he is going to show us about smart licensing. We will keep tracking developments as we are highly curious how this will work out for Digital Chocolate’s position in the industry.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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