


Eidos Releases Pandemonium

September 12th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in New Releases | 1 Comment »

EidosAfter a brief stay on the N-Gage platform, Eidos today announced the release of Crystal Dynamics’ Pandemonium for Brew consumers.

The game which was developed by Chrystal Dynamics seems to have made a good step into mobile as at the moment of release, it features basically everything known from the console version. It has a wide array of characters and the player has to survive 18 worlds in this mobile 3D platform game.

Pandemonium stars the hilarious combo of Nikki and Fargus; Nikki is a wizard-in-training with quick reflexes, a quicker wit and a propensity for acrobatics. Fargus is a slightly deranged jester with an even more deranged puppet sidekick called Sid. Other characters complete the fray, each offering different traits for the player to master. Levels will load by episode to allow players a seamless experience with a huge variety of environments, fast-paced gameplay, and challenging boss fights.

“Pandemonium represents a whole new level of gaming experience on mobile phones,” says Dave Clark, vice president of New Business Development at Eidos “The graphics remain strikingly faithful to the original game on console and, as levels load while you play, gamers will enjoy a seamless gaming experience. This is head and shoulders above what most people imagine when they think of games for the phone.”

Pandemonium has a big history in games. Not only was the name used for a “outer plane” in the RPG Dungeons & Dragons, but it was also an RPG on it’s own (MIB Productions), the final dungeon in Final Fantasy II, a castle in Final Fantasy IX, a fortress in Diabolo II and a song in the game called In the Groove. This release for Brew devices isn’t even the first time we see Pandemonium go mobile. Earlier on, the game has already been spotted as an N-Gage title.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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