


EA Splits

June 19th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Companies & M&A | No Comments »

EamobileSometimes, a company is like a marriage, it needs to split in order to find a better way of living. So said, EA has split into four pieces. What does it do for EA Mobile?

EA, the brainchild of Digital Chocolate CEO Trip Hawkins, has split into four divisions in order to reduce costs and risks in the games market. The company has been split up into EA Games, EA Sports, EA The Sims and EA Casual.

EA Games will be responsible for titles like Need for Speed, Command & Conquer, Medal of Honor and other hardcore oriented titles.

EA Sports will be responsible for bringing all the sports titles to the market, just like it has always done. Titles included are FIFA, Tiger Woods and many others.

One of the most interesting parts is EA The Sims. A label dedicated to any game that has any form of sim in it like Sim City, The Sims etc.


EA Casual will be responsible for the low end gaming market. EA Casual will aim at families by releasing games like Harry Potter and Boogie. Also, EA Casual, which is led by Kathy Vrabeck, will be the home for EA’s mobile games strategy which will without a doubt still include licenses from other EA parts (it seems obvious not to create 4 EA Mobile’s)

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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