


Disney Internet Group Expands Prague Studio

November 20th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 1 Comment »

DisneymobileWith the latest expansion plans, the Czech republic has now become Disney’s largest European location for mobile game development.

The new facility which will be named the Disney Mobile Games Studio has officially been opened. Cindy Rose, SVP and MD of the Walt Disney Internet Group EMEA stated: “The mobile gaming market is developing at a rapid pace. With the strength of Disney’s brand, the depth of our content offering and our mobile gaming expertise, we feel that we are well positioned to capitalize on the growth potential of this sector across the EMEA region.”

Jiri Rosenkranz, Managing Director of Disney Mobile Games Studio, s.r.o.: “Our team specializes in what we call ‘end-to-end development’ and works on the entire creative process – from conception to the finished game which typically runs on over 400 different handsets. For young programmers, this provides an exciting career development opportunity. In the Czech Republic, there is a wealth of indigenous programming expertise, which combined with our long-standing Czech animation tradition, provides the ideal foundations for developing high-quality mobile games.”

    One Response to “Disney Internet Group Expands Prague Studio”

    1. elen prague says:

      well that is certainly great, but for how lon do we have to wait for a small prague disneylad???

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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