


Digital Chocolate’s shows SEO in App Store

February 21st, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Marketing Strategies | 5 Comments »

Over at PocketGamer, they have posted a story on Digital Chocolate's marketing strategies. The game developer shows the world that it's easy to adapt common search engine optimization tactics in order to promote mobile games within iTunes.

The company makes use of keyword targeting. For their Chocolate Shop Frenzy, they included a wealth of well known game titles in their description. Some examples are Mario Kart (a Wii Game) and Guitar Rock Tour.

Next to relating their mobile game with other famous games, the company also noted down several popular music terms. The company wrote “What we listened to and watched during game development: Lady GaGa, Kelly Clarkson, Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Jason Mraz, High School Musical, My Best Friend's Girl, Nights in Rodanthe and Eagle Eye.” As mentioned on PG, a strange set of artists and so clearly a SEO tactic.

A word of warning though for all of you out there that want to follow the same path. With this strategy gaining traction, there is a chance that Apple will take action to all developers that handle this way (there is no rule about it yet). Also if you decide to do this, make sure you target your keywords well. Don't bother consumers with your brand when you know they are probably not interested.

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    5 Responses to “Digital Chocolate’s shows SEO in App Store”

    1. flor rita says:

      A sleezy tactless approach is what i expected from DChoc! Of course anyone can do it and its tempting but the true power and honesty of a publisher is not to do what is wrong. I hope that go belly up!

    2. spam says:

      I find it funny. This shows that DC is just a normal publisher and that the games dont sell without such cheating. Awaiting a feedback or a response from Apple and from DC.

    3. That’s not exactly smooth, targeted SEO – unless they have some solid stats to back it up, which I find hard to believe.

    4. draikko says:

      cool site guys!i realy love it

    5. Clever; I wonder how well that method is working out for them. Any idea whether or not thats been a proven method for increasing their game downloads, or is no one actually purchasing the product through all of those keywordS?

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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