


Creditcrunch? The US Mobile Gaming Market is Worth $ 1bn

October 16th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | 4 Comments »

It seems the creditcrunch will be over soon as In-Stat says the US mobile games market is currently worth $ 1 billion and will grow to a massive $ 6.8 billion by 2013!

“The mobile gaming development industry is highly fragmented due to the wide variety of mobile operating systems, available handsets, and lack of industry standardization,” says Jill Meyers, In-Stat analyst. “This fragmentation has resulted in mobile developers and publishers making the difficult decision of spending finite resources developing games on the platforms they believe will have the best chance of success.”

From the 2000 correspondents, 29.5% is playing mobile games. 20% got their games from a different channel than their operator.

    4 Responses to “Creditcrunch? The US Mobile Gaming Market is Worth $ 1bn”

    1. the big analyst says:

      how can the US market be worth 1 Billion USD?
      gameloft is worth around 205mil Euro (total)
      and glu is worth less than 30mil Euro (total)
      EA we can guess but I would say not more than 300mil Euro
      Perhaps DC, iplay, connect2media (ex-Handson), infusio, handygames, fishlabs, playerx, vivendi (are they still around?), thq, real, disney, indiagames, is doing the big money.
      The market is suffering from operators that dont care about the market. The market will get to the next level only if the operators wake up before they get fired or doing zero downloads.
      But as long the operators only take care about their own pockets this market will flat line or go down even more.
      And who needs such analysts the shareholders of the listed companies?

    2. Jill says:

      A little unfair to tar us all with the “evil operator” brush… Some of us work at operators because we do care and because we know it’s the main way we can make a difference to the mobile games market – if we can change internal attitudes. Yes, games aren’t prioritised yet, but it doesn’t mean that some of us don’t spend every single day trying to change that.

    3. the big analyst says:

      tell me please 10 operators that do a good job in the moment. I personally can only mention less than a handfull. You say it yourself that you fight within your company. I thank you for that but it seems you fight against too many guys in your company that have no idea what is possible.
      you have the spirit but just check out the pocketgamer booklet of t-mobile. its a pure advertisment magazine and only the big guys can spend that money. its not for pushing the whole industry. its for pushing single big companies and does the consumers buy over it?
      perhaps you should discuss with the small developers how to push the whole industry and you will see that your downloads will go up.
      keep up the spirit and the hope to change something within such an operator.

    4. Thanks for the info. We check in on your blog frequently for information about mobile gaming and entertainment.
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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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