


Content Parties Settle over Illegal Mobile Content Subscriptions

November 11th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

Blank A class act lawsuit has been going on in the US, aimed at mBlox, Inc., 2WayTraffic Mobile USA, Inc. f/k/a Emexus Americas, Inc., 2WayTraffic USA, Inc., Dada USA, Inc. d/b/a Dadamobile, Inc., Dada Entertainment, LLC, UPOC Networks, Inc. f/k/a Upoc, Inc., Lavalife, LLC, Mobile Entertainment, Inc., Playphone, Inc., SendMe, Inc., SJA Mobile, LLC, W3i Mobile, LLC f/k/a Freeze Mobile, LLC, W3i Holdings, LLC and Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. over unlawfull recurring charges.

All parties involved have come to a settlement of in total $ 63 Million. This is enough to return $10 per customer that supported this lawsuit. If consumers paid more in the last three months of their content subscription, they can charge that amount instead. Between 4 and 11 Million is reserved for the lawyers.

Meanwhile there seems to be another similar lawsuit going on that’s aimed at AT&T. Depending on that settlement and the timing of it, the current settlement can get lowered to $ 36 Million. For those that like to know more about the case, check the dedicated website.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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