


Cellcom Celebrates Ad-Funded Gaming Success

July 13th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | No Comments »

CellcomThe recently reported trials with ad-funded free mobile games on Israeli operator Cellcom together with InnerActive Smart Media have concluded in a 44% click through rate and 19% acquisition rate with in-game mobile advertising.

The success of the service is amazing. With normal web advertising stuck at a click through rate of 3% and spam stuck at an estimated acquisition rate of 0,01%, mobile advertising really shows it potential as the adverts led to a 44% click through rate and 12% for the acquisition rate. The average number of mobile game downloads per consumer multiplied ten times with Tetris taking the lead with 14 times more downloads then normal. The consumer activity was also increased. 24% of the consumers say they didn’t download a game in at least six months before the trial and 54% said they at least didn’t download in the three months before.

“The new model used in the trial has proved to be effective and feasible to all the players. We succeeded to promote thousands of new users, that are not heavy gamers, to consumed and enjoyed games,” said Adi Cohen, VP Marketing of Cellcom. "The advertising-marketing stimulus trial confirms its effectiveness to all parties that took part in this project. This mobile advertising is working and shows far-reaching consequences for the mobile industry.”

“The ad-funded model used in the trial has created a new dialog with the consumers while at the same time setting a new level of response and conversion to targeted and relevant marketing content," said Offer Yehudai, innerActive Co-manager. “The usage of in-content deliver within the games has become a great online media experience within various audiences, especial in the youth segment (9-20 year old)

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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