
Archive for the ‘Platforms: iOS’ Category

Apprupt, iPhone Analytics Service Launches

October 27th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Apprupt Apprupt, a new analytics platform for iPhone developers, has launched. The platform will allow developers to track how many downloads are generated from their advertising campaigns.

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Digital Chocolate on App Store Discovery

October 23rd, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Marketing Strategies, Platforms: iOS | 1 Comment »

Digital-chocolate Digital Chocolate has generated 40 million downloads on the App Store and celebrated it with a blog post on how well their mobile games are discovered on Apple’s store.

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In-App Billing Issues for the App Store

October 23rd, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Apple With the release of in-game billing for mobile games and applications on Apple’s App Store, many applauded this new way of generating revenues and fighting piracy. Yet, a few sources have started to discuss the real value of this proposition.

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I-play to Release Hip Hop All Stars EP

October 23rd, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Marketing Strategies, Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Iplay Earlier this week we mentioned that I-play was giving away a full length MP3 to anybody that retweeted about their newly released Hip Hop All Stars game on the App Store. Now, the company is about to release a full EP.

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Firemint Releases Next Volkswagen Advertgame

October 22nd, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming, Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Firemint Volkswagen is well known for releasing free mobile racing games on the iPhone. To date, the company worked extensively with Fishlabs, but the latest title comes from Firemint.

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Scoreloop Goes White Label and new Integration Features

October 20th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Marketing Strategies, Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Scoreloop Scoreloop has launched two new services to satisfy their partners. One of them is called Core Social and allows developers direct access to the Scoreloop social network.

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Apple Sets iPhone Sales Record

October 20th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A, Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Apple Yesterday, Apple revealed their earnings for their fourth quarter of 2009. The company turned over $9.87 billion in revenues and sold a record number of iPhones during the quarter.

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Hands-On Restructuring?

October 20th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A, Platforms: DSiWare, Platforms: iOS, Platforms: PSP Minis | No Comments »

Handson Rumors reach us that Hands-On is restructuring to return/improve their position in the mobile/handheld games market. One of the first signs is that CEO David White left and products where launched on PSP Minis.

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iPhone Owners Actively Use 14% of Their Apps

October 19th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial, Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Flurry Flurry has provided new insights into the retention rate for applications and games that have been downloaded by consumers world-wide. It turns out that 14.8% of the apps are sticky enough to satisfy consumers in the long term.

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Apple Allows In-App Payments for Freebies

October 18th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Apple Developers have been filing complaints about it for some time, but finally Apple has given in and granted access to offer in-game billing services within free downloads.

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Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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