
Archive for the ‘Smartphones & Tablets’ Category

Nokia new generation of games brings the cellphone up to speed

July 25th, 2005 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

Nokia’s N-Gage QD, far left, has new and upcoming games such as System Rush, on the monitor, and Catan, Glimmerati and High Seize.

When Nokia’s N-Gage gaming cellphone landed with a spectacular thud two years ago – selling mere thousands in the American marketplace – an industry punch line was born. But with wireless analysts now suggesting the mobile gaming arena could soon become a multibillion-dollar business, it seems Nokia was literally ahead of the game. More …

Nokia Announces New Price Point For N-Gage QD and Games

March 15th, 2005 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

Pre-Paid N-Gage price frop and game library price cuts on the horizon.

Nokia announces today that the N-Gage QD and N-Gage game library will go under some pretty serious price cuts this month as part of a new strategy to bring more gamers into the marketplace. The unfortunate bit about this is that not all retailers will be participating in this cut, at the moment it seems like Gamestop / Musicland related companies will be the only ones offering the pre-paid N-Gage QD at $99 while channel partners will still vary in their pricing of the device depending on contract decisions. More …

Hybrid Licenses Its 3D Graphics Technology to Philips

February 16th, 2005 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

Hybrid Graphics today announced that Philips will embed Hybrid’s 3D graphics technology into Philips’s J-Ware Java product for mobile devices. Philips also becomes a global distributor of Hybrid’s 3D graphics solutions. The agreement provides Philips’s customers with a comprehensive software-based solution for running high-grade graphics content like 3D games on mobile devices. More …

Nokia dismisses N-Gage demise rumours

January 21st, 2005 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia remains "completely committed" to the N-Gage, a spokesperson has said in response to speculation that the company may be about to discontinue the mobile console range.

The reports originated with a report on online technology site The Inquirer, which claimed that Nokia is planning to shut down an R&D and production facility for N-Gage in Germany. More …

Two 3G carriers in Europe and Japan are now offering the Motorola E1000, V980 and C980, all featuring the GoForce 4000 wireless media processor.

December 20th, 2004 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | 1 Comment »

Motorola E1000, V980 and C980 sporting GoForce 4000 wireless media processor

Two 3G carriers in Europe and Japan are now offering the Motorola E1000, V980 and C980, all featuring the GoForce 4000 wireless media processor.

"Motorola’s customers are looking for best in class 3G products which suit the needs and demands of consumers," said Bill Werner, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Motorola Inc. 3G Products "The GoForce 4000 enables all the digital imaging and entertainment features consumers want to experience, while preserving critical talk time." More …

Nokia fights to save QD

November 26th, 2004 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

Nokia has been scrambling to make late deals with major games and toys retailers in a last ditch attempt to get the N-Gage QD onto the shelves before Christmas.

The seasonal sales period is crucial to gaming companies, accounting for more than half of annual sales. But with trading already underway, most of the major players were not stocking the QD as Mobile went to press. More …

Nokia: Search for the mobile gaming icon

September 29th, 2004 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets, Trends | No Comments »

Youngsters trying their hand to be India’s first mobile gaming champion, in Bangalore.

If playing on the mobile is fun, a championship to find the best amongst you should be more fun. Nokia, the mobile phone major with a keen eye on the gaming industry, apparently realised this much before everyone else. For proof, one had to simply gatecrash into their “N-Gage QD Challenge” mobile gaming championship, which had three challenge zones in Bangalore abuzz for the last two days. More …

nVidia GoForce 3D 4500 for mobile gaming

September 22nd, 2004 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

nVidia’s latest mobile processor boasts arcade-quality 3D graphic rendering and up to 3 MP images. Coming soon to a phone near you.

Graphics company nVidia has taken the wraps off what it calls the world’s first “3D wireless media processor”, the GoForce 3D 4500, a mobile processor designed to support 3D graphics and high-res images in handhelds and mobile phones. More …

Nokia Ships One Million N-Gage Game Decks

September 2nd, 2004 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

Nokia today announced that it has shipped its one millionth game deck globally since the sales of the N-Gage platform started eleven months ago. The sale of one million N-Gage and N-Gage QD game decks marks a significant milestone in the world of portable gaming, placing the N-Gage platform at the forefront of the mobile gaming world. Combining a pocketable gaming platform with powerful smartphone features, the N-Gage gives gamers a chance to experience mobile multiplayer gaming in a revolutionary way.

“We’re proud to have reached the one million milestone. Thanks to the enthusiastic consumer response to the N-Gage QD and our latest titles, we’re confident that our success in leading the mobile gaming world will continue,” said Ilkka Raiskinen, Nokia’s Senior Vice President of Games. “We’re also proud to have signed up over 100,000 N-Gage Arena members, which shows that gamers are inspired to connect and compete with other mobile gamers from around the world.” More …

N-Gage QD Hits US Retail

July 29th, 2004 by Ashu Mathura Posted in Smartphones & Tablets | No Comments »

The new, revamped, revisited, reshaped Nokia N-Gage is now available on retail shelves in the United States. Known as the N-Gage QD, the second version of Nokia’s hybrid mobile phone/mobile game console is the original N-Gage’s slimmer, slicker, more-accessible brother. Even better, many retailers will be offering the QD for only $99.99. More …






Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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