
Archive for the ‘Other news’ Category

EA Mobile Wishes for Wap Billing

February 9th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

According to an editorial at Mobile Entertainment Magazine, EA Mobile wishes to have better tools for servicing their consumers. The primary object that needs improvement according to EA is billing. Premium SMS is outdated which means it is time to have WAP Billing everywhere.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

December 24th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

It’s Christmas eve over here in Holland where we are celebrating it at a nice 4 degrees. Indeed, no white Christmas again I’m afraid. Anyway, I wish you all a great Christmas. I will return to the blog on Thursday to pick up on the news of the past days which have been very interesting like InfoSpace’s head of games leaving and ow

Exit Games into Softbank

December 11th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

MobileIndustry.biz reports a further move into Softbank by Exit Games. The two inked a deal to release more mobile games based on Exit’s Neutron solution. The mobile games selected are Brick Challenge, Catapults and Darts from Japanese developer Media Socket Inc.

Announcement: 2007 Forecast

December 11th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

The end of the year is nearing and this means at the Mobile Games Blog, it’s time to look forward. Over the past weeks, we have asked many industry executives to share us their view on what will happen in 2007 with their company or the industry. On December 15th 2006, we will release this list which holds executives like Christopher Kassulke (HandyGames), John Chasey (InfoSpace), Gunnar Larssen (Real Networks) and many more…

Babel’s global outsourcing business

December 6th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

Babel has launched its global publishing service to assist mobile game developers in deploying their games on a world wide level. Babel has installed local offices in the UP, Canada and India to assist in the deployment. Babel hopes to fill the gap in the market of ever increasing delivery requirements that companies have to work with to get their games out in time.

The Stiq of the MGblog

November 24th, 2006 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Other news | No Comments »


I’m a new guest Author at the mobile games and gaming blog. I will be writing here from time to time about the more edgy stuff in the industry. Because of this, I have asked Arjan to keep my name fully confidential. I hope you will have fun reading my editorials and I’m looking forward to your thoughts on the subjects.

Clickgamer and Binary Graffiti’s holiday give-away

November 24th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

Clickgamer and Binary Graffiti have teamed up for the holidays and announced to give away 7 different mobile games to clickgamer customers and visitors. Clickgamer hopes to boost sales for the holiday period and attract new customers.

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Bango rolls over Mediaplazza

November 20th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

MediaPlazza and Bango inked a deal in which Bango will take responsibility for a big part of MediaPlazza’s billing. With this deal, Bango adds 60.000 mobile content stores to it’s network. For MediaPlazza, this deal means access to wap billing all over the world with just one partner and the possibility on many operators to use Bango’s BillRank, which is a method for putting the content directly on the consumer’s bill. Bango will also accept Craditcards trough PayPal, meaning Bango offers the full scale of payment methods.


November 16th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | 1 Comment »

As you know, we keep track of a lot of blogs and love to link excellent bits that fellow bloggers all over the world found. However today thanks to Alessandro, a blog popped up that deserves some attention to all the work listed there. The blog is maintained by Antony and features all kinds of handy development tools like Screenshot takers and CPU trackers. Worth a look for most developers!

TIM Italy starts to Brew

November 14th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | 2 Comments »

Qualcomm and TIM Italy, Italy’s largest operator, have announced to start deploying handsets which feature’s Qualcomm’s Brew solution. With this move, TIM hopes to improve it’s leadership in the market and innovate it’s 3G and HSDPA networks even more. The first games announced to go live on TIM’s Brew portal are coming from Gameloft. Also TIM announced it will use uiOne, which is the idle screen advertising system on Brew.

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Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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