
Archive for the ‘Open Discussions’ Category

Discussion: Liberty of App Store Approval Policies

August 4th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Open Discussions, Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Hungrymobile Over at Opinions in Mobile, there is a new issue addressed about the App Store. With Google Voice being banned from the App Store and the FCC investigating it, Jan asked the experts what their take on it is.

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Open Discussion: Casual Games Slow Down Innovation and Growth of Mobile Games Market!

March 9th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Open Discussions | 6 Comments »

This morning we received an open letter from Markus Kassulke (you know, the other driving force behind German developer HandyGames) about how Casual games might sound like a great way to sell games to the public, but actually slow down innovation. It’s good reading material and we are curious what you, our readers think. Please leave your replies below!

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Open Discussion: From Console to Mobile, Will it Fit?

February 6th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Open Discussions | 4 Comments »

It seems a never ending story is starting at MobileIndustry.biz. It all started out when Tony Pearce (Player X) announced consumer disappointment when console games are ported to mobile. According to Tony, mobile is just not there yet and the ports might harm the original console ports. It didn’t take long until THQ’s James Scalpello stood up to let us know it is not that bad at all. Now, Tim Harris form Seven Lights tells everybody console games indeed are not the right fit for porting to mobile. Personally, I think his example of Splinter Cell’s arrival on mobile is not totally right as I loved that mobile game a few years ago (even though I finished it pretty fast) as Splinter Cell is not a direct port form a console game to a mobile game. Instead it is just a totally new game, purely based on the license and storyline of its big brother. However, I like to make a call for a new open discussion at the blog. From console, to mobile, do you think it is the right fit!?

Open Discussion #3: Abuse Them Pirates!

November 9th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming, Open Discussions | 3 Comments »

This morning I was having my breakfast chat session with Adrian Cummings. Now and then we’d like to spend a few minutes brainstorming about what is happening in the industry and how it involves him. Today, he was talking about his games launching on GameJump and how he would like to increase his revenue. Well there all you Greystripe users listen carefully. As we all know, Pirate sites and programs like Limewire form a huge cost to the mobile content society, so why not abuse them? On GameJump you can download the ad wrapped versions of your game for installing by PC. Why not send those files into LimeWire and to owners of pirate sites? That would massively increase the number of plays I recon

Open Discussion #2: Looking beyond the mobile Phone

September 22nd, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Open Discussions | 8 Comments »

Finally the second open discussion at the mobile games & gaming blog has started. Today the discussion will be about new devices to create your games on. The trigger for this discussion is Apple who released their iPod games which are based on J2me (correct me if I’m wrong) and Adobe who made device profiles for the iRiver MP3 player available on the FlashLite platform. What will be next (Zune?), and is this al good for us? Let us know below, no registration required!

Open discussion #2 announcement

September 19th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Open Discussions | No Comments »

To start of the new open discussion a bit better then the last one, we decided to announce it a few days before it actually takes place. This Friday, the open discussion will be about mobile device coverage of games. This reflects to the announcements of Apple to support downloadable games on the iPod and Adobe who released their latest Flash Lite profile for creative’s iRiver MP3 player. The general topic is, will we branch out to devices such as MP3 players as Flash Lite and perhaps even J2me to become available on them. So why would or wouldn’t you go for it? See you all on Friday!

Open Discussion #1: The future with Flash Lite

August 18th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Open Discussions | 11 Comments »

Welcome to our first invite to all our readers for an open discussion. Today, we want to know what you think about Flash Lite as a technology entering the market of the mobile phone. With Symbian distribution being hindered by locks on S60 3rd edition models, and flash being widely used by webdesigners, the market might face a radical change where a lot of freeware might hit consumer phones. We want your opinion below!






Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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