
Archive for the ‘Interviews’ Category

Interview with Eberhard Schonburg, Artificial Life

May 20th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | No Comments »

Artificial-life Over the past months, Artificial Life has hit the media a couple of times with their licensing deals and very possitive financial status. Time for a small interview with the CEO Eberhard Schonburg.

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GDC: Digital Chocolate Talks iPhone

March 26th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | No Comments »

The guys from IGN Wireless came across Digitial Chocolate’s CEO Trip Hawkins and interviewed him about the importance of the iPhone for the mobile games market as well as for Digital Chocolate itself.

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GDC: Gameloft Talks DSi Ware

March 26th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | No Comments »

The guys over at Gamasutra sat down with Gameloft’s worldwide publishing senior VP Gonzague De Vallois to talk about the publisher’s plans to release games for Nintendo’s DSi Ware platform.

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N-Gage Interview with Mark Ollila

February 5th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | 4 Comments »

After multiple delays, 2008 seems to have been the most important year in N-Gage history when it launched the N-Gage concept as a platform instead of dedicated mobile gaming hardware. Since the year has come close to an end, we asked Nokia’s Mark Ollila on what’s to expect next.

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CEO Vincent Dondaine about BulkyPix

January 14th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | No Comments »

Yesterday we informed you about a new mobile games developer called BulkyPix. Since there wasn't a press release, and the website is still pretty much blank, we contacted CEO Vincent Dondaine to do a small interview.

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Interview with Glu’s CEO Greg Ballard

December 16th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | 2 Comments »

Some weeks ago, we announced an interview with Greg Ballard, themed around the problems at Glu. For the first time ever we gave you, our community, the chance to send us all your questions.

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Community Interview with Greg Ballard

November 13th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | 3 Comments »

During our phone call with Glu's senior director of global public relations Nicole Kennedy last Tuesday, we agreed that an interview with Greg Ballard would be a great way to explain more on what is happening with the company and the market.

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NGS: Market Problems Continue

October 30th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | 1 Comment »

Speaking to Reuters, Nokia's head of gaming Jaakko Kaidesoja explained his view at the current problems faced by the mobile games industry, and his vision on the future of them.

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Trip Hawkins on Innovation Through the iPhone

October 14th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | No Comments »

It is no secret that the iPhone is shaking up the mobile games market. Suddenly small developers get a chance to star on the App Store and competitors of Apple start launching their rival stores in the hopes to mimic the success.

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BREW 2008: Interviews; Glu, Namco, Qualcomm

May 30th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | No Comments »

QuicklyboredThe guys over at QuicklyBored seem to have a wonderful time down at Brew 2008. Yesterday, the crew bumped in to a couple of Mobile Gaming Seniors and started interviewing them.

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Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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