
Archive for the ‘Games’ Category

Gameloft Sold 200 Million Games

April 7th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

Gameloft has something to celebrate. The mobile games developer and publisher has announced that it has sold over 200 million games since it started it's mobile gaming business back in 2003.

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Mobile Laser Gaming

March 27th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | 6 Comments »

Some students have managed to utilize Nokia’s S60 platform for a piece of laser gaming. In reality I will probably still prefer the real thing, but the novelty of using the camera of a phone for this is great. Check out the full description at Forum Nokia Blogs.

OrangePixel Releases Akira*Hero

February 16th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

OrangePixel just released Akira*Hero, a follow-up to the successful Dynamo Kid series of mobile games. Spread over three worlds with over 30 secrets to be discovered, OrangePixel hopes to have released another hard to let go game. The game will be distributed shortly and also be available on GameJump.

3GSM: Gameloft Enjoys its Success Over 2006

February 15th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

Interviews are all over as MobileIndustry released their interview with Gameloft’s Gonzague de Vallois, vice president of marketing at the French mobile games giant. In the interview, Gonzague explains the success of the company and the recent moves to 3D.

At the Mobile Games Blog, we will release an interview we had with Gameloft as well. We will dive deep into the technological future of the company.

EIDOS Mobile Takes Off

February 14th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

In a press release we just received, EIDOS clearly shows 2007 will be the year where they will take mobile gaming serious. With several games already on the market, EIDOS plans to have nearly every console release joint by a mobile game version. To do this, EIDOS has upscaled its development team. besides upscaling, the release did not hold much news actually.

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3GSM: I-Play to Bundle Games

February 14th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

In our CGA coverage last week, we discussed how much the female public loves bargains when shopping for entertainment. Now, I-play announced to follow in this emotional state by creating 2-4-1 versions of their games to increase the value.

HandyGames Releases Porn Manager 2 Soundtrack

February 2nd, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

German based developer HandyGames is at the verge of releasing the latest successor in their Porn Manager games called Porn Manager 2. The Porn Manager mobile games have proven to be a huge success among carrier decks all over the world, beating a lot of branded games in the charts. For their second outing, HandyGames made an excellent short soundtrack which has a bit of clubby / jazzy sound and a English speaking girl with a nasty French accent. We love it, but wish it was just a bit longer then two minutes.

N-Gage – The next Generation

February 2nd, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

Nokiangage N-Gage is back… or at least it will be soon. Back at the E3 last year, Nokia already started showing off N-Gage games for N-Series devices. This year, it looks like we will see the N-Gage platform fully back in the market. Pocket Gamer did an excellent story about it the first rumors that came from several developers that where invited by Nokia. More details to the story have been added by Mobile Entertainment Magazine who noted that GDC next month is the place where Nokia will reveal the new platform to the public for the first time.

CMG: What is mobile gaming?

February 2nd, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

Bart Groothuijze from Kaasa Soluion / Taito has set the example for many mobile events yesterday. The Cross Media Games event in Amsterdam had attracted a huge amount of press and broadcasting companies for whom mobile isn’t something they know a whole lot about. In 15 minutes time, Bart did an excellent job in educating his public about the history and problems of the mobile gaming industry. Also, he addressed current hot topics like ad-funded mobile games and licensing. In our opinion this is another step forward for the industry, even if it is only in Holland.

Mobile Amusements 2007 H1 Line-up

January 26th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Games | No Comments »

Mobile Amusements notified us of their H1 line-up for 2007. At this moment they refreshed Sudoku Valentines Edition with new builds. Later on they will release Heli Rescue which was nominated for an IMGA award last year. Also coming soon are Waterski Challenge and Tommy Gun. The games will be distributed trough aggregator partners and gamejump.com.






Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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