


Breakpoint Licenses Call of Juarez

June 26th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Brand Licensing | No Comments »

BreakpointPolish developer Breakpoint has announced to be working on a mobile gaming version of the PC shooter Call of Juarez from Polish developer Techland.

"There is a big chance that the players who will take a liking to the mobile version will also reach for the PC or X360 versions," said Przemyslaw Marmul, international sales director at Techland. "Breakpoint has convinced us with its know-how and the high level of the games created so far. Currently, Techland is in the middle of creating PC and console games, for which we are keen to prepare mobile versions too."

Pawel Feldman, licensing and publishing manager at Breakpoint added: "Techland is one of the biggest and best-known Polish game producers home and abroad. Several of its titles, first of all the game Chrome, have been a success on the international market. We consider our cooperation with Techland as strategic

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