


Artificial Life Announces Bustin’ Balls

May 9th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Game Announcements | No Comments »

ArtificiallifeArtificial Life has announced a new mobile football game called Bustin’ Balls. Bustin’ Balls is a twisted football game stuffed with humorous mini-games.

The goal of the Bustin’ Balls(tm) mobile game is to first infiltrate a soccer game and then to win the game by using as many cunning tricks as possible. In the game, the player must sneak into the soccer stadium by deceptive means since he does not have a ticket, and then continue his antics in the stands, at the snack bar, in the locker room and on the soccer field. Each time the game is played, a new sequence of crazy challenges unfolds featuring over 20 games wrapped into one.

"We are currently producing a variety of 3-D soccer games in cooperation with several international partners, as already announced, that will feature our cutting edge technology. However, with Bustin’ Balls(tm) we hope to keep our customers amused with our own branded soccer game that focuses more on the fun and humorous aspects of soccer and targets players who don’t take soccer too seriously," said Eberhard Schoneburg, CEO of Artificial Life, Inc.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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