


Apple Clarifies Upsell Policy

February 3rd, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: iOS | 4 Comments »

There has been some fuzz on the net in regards to Apple's rules on demo / try before you buy games and applications. Ars Technica dove in and found out what is and isn't allowed for developers.

“While the words "Demo" or "Beta" represent App Store insta-rejection, "Free" or "Lite" versions remain acceptable. These applications must be fully functional and stand independently on their own. Unfortunately, particularly for high-end applications with a limited customer base such as specialized medical apps, time-limited trials are still not allowed in App Store. For now, customers cannot try before they buy beyond creating a limited Lite-style App Store entry.”

So this means that developers can create those Free and Lite versions, but cannot really promote their full mobile game. This is a truly step back in promoting mobile games. We wonder how long it will take before Apple comes with a good solution.

Read the full story at Ars Technica.

    4 Responses to “Apple Clarifies Upsell Policy”

    1. I’ve had a lot of trouble with this myself lately and it’s a real pain.

    2. I never saw the PR I sent out get on here Arjan?… So here is self advertising rss news link to the iPhone version of the game that actually broutht us together back in late 2005 when you were at Overloaded 🙂
      Mouse Panic! Reloaded
      As an indie developer we are celebrating 20 years in business this year.

    3. SamII says:

      Congrats Adrian for beeing around so long without getting mad. 🙂

    4. Thank you! – yes I should probably of gone insane by now you would think in this industry 😛

    Leave a Reply to Adrian Cummings






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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