


Antix Games Store Launches

November 17th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | 3 Comments »

Antix has launched the Antix Games Store, an app store for cross platform (mobile) games.

The Antix Games Store is not just another App Store. It is an app store that allows games to be played over multiple platforms including PC browsers. Games are downloaded and shared as a single file between users. The file is platform independent so a PC gamer could pass it on to an Android user. The only drawback so far is that consumers need to install a special client to support this technology.

Correction – we mixed up Aplix and Antix in the original introduction of this story

    3 Responses to “Antix Games Store Launches”

    1. Neil Curtis says:

      Please clarify to your readers that Antix is not the company behind Zeemote and is not focused on J2ME. Antix is privately held and was founded by Francis Charig.

      Antix Game Player (AGP) is a media player for high performance (C/C++) games that consumers can play, copy across their various devices and then share with their friends and family either over the network or off-network in close proximity.

    2. Rich says:

      Haha – back to “Mophun” days 🙂

    3. admin says:

      Mophun, never expected anybody to remember that 🙂

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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