


And Then… There’s Pimps ‘n Ho’s

November 17th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | 1 Comment »

Did we get your attention? Well, the name of this post isn't the strangest about it. Today, we are actually writing about a board game called Pimps 'n Ho's from Weaver Games. If there is a HandyGames in the world of family games, these guys are it for sure!

So why are we actually writing about this boardgame? Well, that's a strange story. The guys just sent it to us and said “ok, we don't so mobile, but we know you will like this”. So we decided to just give it a shot.

So there I was, with a group of Dutch friends (mostly female), telling them I had a new board game. We do a lot of board games together, but when they saw the title they got all giggly at an instant.

As it turned out, the game is a perversive version of the good old Monopoly we all know, but with slight changes to the rules. Just like in Monopoly, there are occasions where you need to draw cards (for example when you are trapped in the Big House). Instead of containing mere penalties, the cards held a lot of assignments which greatly increased the fun we all had (and made me happy I was playing with girls around the table).

As the company said, they don't do anything with mobile, but with the game out on the shelves in the US, it might be a great brand for many mobile game developers to play around with. You can find Weaver games here.

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    One Response to “And Then… There’s Pimps ‘n Ho’s”

    1. Beth says:

      To all the haters and conservatives. I purchased this game over two years ago after hearing about it on a Rock station in Houston. This game is hilarious and is by far the best board game I own. It does not demean women. The game actually is pretty balanced for it has 5 male ho’s as well which the article forgot to mention. Don’t forget the main words in the title Board Game. It’s a GAME!!! I guess for those too discussed to play or only take part in bashing this game I’m sure you never go to the movies and watch films that depict violence, murder, and rape. You are such hypocrites. Loosen up a little. I guess all I’m saying is do a little research before you go running your mouth. Sincerely, Beth age 38 (Female) P.S. I have played this game numerous times on our girls night out with all my fiends. We absolutely love it!

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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