


Amazon to Become an MVNO in Japan!?

May 28th, 2012 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

According to rumours, Amazon is planning to launch as an MVNO in the land of the rising sun, Japan. If rumours are right, it will start offering flat-fee 500MB pre-paid SIMcards to Japanese consumers.

The pre-paid simcards will sell for about €20 each and are likely to connect over the network of NTT DoCoMo. The pricing from Amazon is about 50% of what competitors charge for similar amounts of data.

It is not the first time Amazon is involved in offering consumers 3G access. The company already runs Whispernet. A service that allows owners of 3G kindle devices free mobile downloads from the Amazon store. Some can even surf the web over the network.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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