


Adult Ban Kills 5.000 Apps on App Store

February 22nd, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: iOS | No Comments »

Apple Last Friday we wrote about Wobble/iBoobs being removed from the App Store as Apple tightened the rules about adult/erotic apps. According to a call the developer had with Apple, 5.000 apps are banned.

The phone call he had also shed some more light on what is and isn’t allowed. According to the spokesman he had on the phone, both men and women are not allowed on an app when they are wearing a bikini (we can understand this when it comes to men). Ice skating tights are also not allowed (how about the Olympic apps?). No skin is to be shown, yet Apple didn’t want to say if a Burqa was allowed.


Furthermore, no silhouettes, sexual connotations or innuendo, other sexually arousing outings or apple that somehow imply sexual content. So what do we still see live on the Dutch App Store?

Put your face on P*******E (penthouse), The P*****y Guide to Bachelor Parties (Playboy), Nude It, True Cowboy Magazine, Sexy Dice, Dirty Truth or Dare, Toilet Paper Babe and much, much more when just searching for ‘sex’.

So Apple bans Wobble from Chillifresh and Daisy Mae’s Alien Buffet, but leaves apps like Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2010 online and Retro Pin-Ups Wallpapers online?


By the way, let’s not forget that adult content remains fully available in audio, video and even book content on iTunes.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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