


Adobe Introduces New Formats for Mobile Advertising

October 26th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | No Comments »

Adobe and several agencies are collaborating on new formats for mobile ads that should mimic the impact that iAds have on Apple’s iOS platforms.

Both formats allow full screen ads to be displayed based on Flash 10.1 and/or HTML 5. The first format; FS-microsote offers all options a mobile website does within a full screen banner and thus omitting the browser. FS-video offers video’s that can be expanded to full screen.  These formats have been developed in cooporation with Greystripe, Eyewonder, Medialets, MediaMind, PointRoll and Sprout.

“Our work with the advertising industry will define a new model for ads units and ad measurement in a marketing world being transformed by mobile communications,” said John Loiacono, senior vice president and general manager, Digital Media Solutions, Adobe. “These new ad formats are a first step in establishing an industry example that is cross-platform and expected to become the volume standard on smart phones, reaching across the broadest number of platforms and devices worldwide.”

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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