


AT&T Investing Millions in Gaming

June 17th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

At&t AT&T is big and we all know that. Now, the company has started to invest many millions of dollars in gaming. Their aim is pc/console, IPTV and the good old mobile phone.

During the E3, IndustryGamers sat down with AT&T's Glenn Broderick who explained that the company wants to commit heavily on games and serve them to their three screens.

“My gaming team was formed in 2007 to figure out what to do with these tens of millions of customer connections with respect to gaming. Gaming was placed in the converged group with the underlying belief that there was value to be had in tethering experiences between your mobile phone, your TV, and your broadband connected PC. … A good example of that would be Wheel of Fortune where you interacted with your cell phone in real-time with the TV show,” Broderick said.

The company is relaunching their .net gaming site and Glenn explained that it will also be pushed toward mobile.

“We're looking at the TV, broadband connected PC and mobile almost as a unified platform,” he stressed. “What we're doing is trying to incentivize [gaming companies] to take some risks by tethering mobile games to console or PC experiences. It's not an easy sell

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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