


In-Fusio, The Questions

August 30th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 4 Comments »

In-fusio The past days, In-Fusio stole the show with the termination of the original company and the start of one called In-Fusio Europe. You sent in some questions and Sebastien Martin is answering them in this post.

[Arjan] So first off, what did you buy from the old In-Fusio and what did you leave behind and can developers expect fulfilment on outstanding payments?

[Sebastien] Mainly all the assets have been acquired, meaning the trademarks, the channels, the games portfolio and so on. We do not get the technology (Exen,

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    4 Responses to “In-Fusio, The Questions”

    1. Spam says:

      my comments:
      – Why is Sebastian not telling an answer on the price of the assets? It will come out sooner or later anyway.
      – Whats up with the obligations of the contracts BEFORE september?
      – Who are the “private” investors within IF-Europe? This is vital for operators and developers to know.

    2. JJ says:

      Would also be interesting to know the extent of the debts left and when providers last received payments… if anyone can shed some light on this would be interesting to know.

    3. mikee says:

      The price for the assets was…1

    4. Sebastien says:

      Hi ! To provide some additional bits of information :
      – the acquistion price has been higher than 1 EUR, but sorry cannot communicate it for the moment.
      – The current share capital of the Company is 140.000 EUR (so well above 1EUR), with effectively the former Head of Dev and I as first investors. Some others are currently coming in.
      – There’s a confusion between the number of employees maintained and the ones that will be working for the Company. As indicated 15 to 20 people will be working for IF Europe, with already 10 people there working hard on the next games for Q1-2010 !

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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