


Adobe: Flash on iPhone is Possible… Now!

October 6th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Adobe Flash & Air, Platforms: iOS | 2 Comments »

Adobe It seems Adobe has finally given up on getting Flash embedded on Apple's iPhone OS. Instead, they now do something we saw others do earlier to get Flash apps installable on Symbian… They wrap them!

This means that your flash game or app will be wrapped in a standalone player. It doesn't allow Flash content to be visible in Safari yet, but at least it will allow you to sell your products on the app store. The Flash wrapping technology will become available in Flash Professional CS5 and as you'd expect, it will let you build Flash based iPhone apps on the PC. Adobe has already been field testing the technology and some flash products are already on the App Store today and yes, this will open up a huge new group of developers to the platform so prepare for a flood!

Btw, check this Adobe's announcement vid here. It's worth the time.

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    2 Responses to “Adobe: Flash on iPhone is Possible… Now!”

    1. chris brown says:

      I think its so cool that they finally came out with a app that allows flash on the phones crazie!! I’m excited can’t wait to use the app.

    2. Chris R says:

      There are already something like 80 thousand apps for the iPhone. Now it looks like that might just be the start. Creating games with Flash is an easy intuitive way for those with limited skills to create games.
      I foresee an explosion of new games for the iPhone.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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