


Windows Phone 7 Liveblog

October 11th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Windows Phone | No Comments »

We are here, at Microsoft HQ in The Netherlands, waiting for the Livestream to start. We already know the releasedate for Europe is October 21st and the US will see the first devices in November. Refresh this page to check the latest news about Windows Phone 7.

Ah cool, Samsung and LG are here with the new phones. We do have to wait till after the presentation before we get to see them.

Watch the event with us via this link.

HTC just announced the first Windows Phone 7 device, the Trophey, and the event didn’t even start!

9 Different phones from the start from Samsung, HTC, LG and Dell upon US launch.

60 mobile operators have signed up to sell these devices in 30 countries.

Asus made the first demo devices for Windows Phone 7 (we played with one). Where are they!?

HTC’s Surround (Below) is the best for gaming according to AT&T. It has two Dolby Surround Sound speakers while the Samsung Focus has the best screen of their selection (Super AMOLED).

EA also made launchgames for the Windows Phone 7 devices, but according to Stuart Dredge (Twitter), they are not shown in the presentation.

Social Integration is key. Speed posting on Facebook through People Hub.

Cloud surfing for photo’s. They are online, on PC or on device. It’s all the same.

Both device vendors as well as operators can pre-load apps on the devices in a similar way we see on many vendor devices right now. The UI is still holy though.

Third Party apps can integrate into photo and music hubs.

EA is being mentioned after all! The Sims is shown during the presentation.

Software Updates are being pushed by Microsoft and all phones get the update at the same time.

Copy/Paste is coming early 2011.

Quallcom is very happy MS chose their Snapdragon chipsets and the video displays the early Asus phone.

In The Netherlands, Devices will go on sale on October 21st via KPN, T-Mobile and Vodafone.

No Xbox Live Gold subscription is needed for Windows Phone 7.

THE END – Time to actually play with the devices!

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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