


Adult Industry to Net US$1bn from Mobile Phone Users in 2005

February 11th, 2005 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | No Comments »

The value of mobile adult content is expected to rise by more than 50% to US$1.01bn in 2005, according to a new report from Juniper Research.

The value of mobile adult content is expected to rise by more than 50% to US$1.01bn in 2005, according to a new report from Juniper Research.
With text-based services already well established in many countries, the strongest growth will come from more sophisticated services offering video-clips and streamed video in addition to text and images.

The report reveals that the majority of revenues will continue be derived from Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, although an increasing availability of services in the US will push North American mobile adult revenues past the US$400mn mark by the end of the decade.
Report author, Dr Windsor Holden, said, “At the present time, the size of the US market is extremely limited because customers are used to downloading content through the portal of their network operator, and the network operators are reluctant to offer adult content for fear of a regulatory or consumer backlash. But in the medium term, customers will become increasingly adept at browsing wireless internet sites operated by aggregators or other independent providers, with the result that overall revenues will show a significant increase.” More …

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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