


MKO: Dutch Teens and their Mobiles

January 20th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | No Comments »

Mijn-kind-online Dutch consultancy ‘Mijn Kind Online’ has released a new study about the mobile behavior of Dutch consumers aged 8 till 18.

At age 8, 1 out of 4 kids own a mobile phone. This number jumps up until age 12~13 where 99% of the kids owns a phone. Looking at the total group, 81% of the girls own a phone compared to 77% of the boys. Social class makes no difference in cellphone ownership. Untill the age of 17, most phones (new and second hand) where a present to the kids.

At age 8, 9% of the kids have a postpaid sim compared to 86% having a prepaid. The remaining 5% doesn’t know how their costs are paid. At age 17, 48% of the kids own a prepaid sim versus 52% owning a postpaid sim. Postpaid is most popular under kids with higher education. Kids with higher education mainly think it’s safe to own a phone. Kids with lower education just think they are left out if they don’t own one. Amongst the kids, phone ownership is still relatively new. At age 17, just over 40% owns a phone for more than 5 years. As the age grows, kids will become responsible over their own mobile costs. Those with a subscription spend more compared to those owning a prepaid sim.

Roughly 38% of the kids don’t play mobile games. About 28% of them play once a month. About 18% plays 1 to 3 times a week and the remainder plays 4 times or more per week. Games are most popular amongst 8 to 13 year olds. After that age, Bluetooth and photo’s become more interesting (though we have no idea what relation Bluetooth has to mobile games or taking photo’s). Starting at age 12, 20~25% of the kids have negative experience with content subscriptions. In most cases, they lost over 10 Euro to these subscriptions.

The full (Dutch) report can be downloaded free from the MKO.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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