


Jacob M?ller in Denmark’s top 10

September 22nd, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

Our congratulations this morning go out to Jacob M?ller who has been announced to be in Denmark’s top 10 of most important entrepreneurs. The top ten list is created on an annual basis by Danish business magazine Berlingske Tidende. Jacob, who started his company Kiloo at age 19 in 2000, commented the following;

“I am delighted to be chosen as one of the top ten entrepreneurs in Denmark” says Jacob. “It means a great deal to me to be recognized in this way. The mobile entertainment sector is still a young market in many ways and to have a magazine of Berlingske’s reputation pick someone in such an emerging area shows the potential of the industry globally. Kiloo has achieved a great deal since it was founded and we plan to build on our past success. We have a great many new partnerships, deals and games to announce in the near future which will ensure Kiloo remains on the cutting edge of mobile entertainment for a long time to come.”

Kiloo hit a number of milestones like creating the first ‘Nokia OK’ game and winning the Nokia Mobile Challenge in 2002 with Popstar. Kiloo was also one of the first companies to produce branded games when they started of with their Hugo series. Later on, Kiloo created games under the licenses of the Happy Tree Friends and Lego.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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