


Avoid console mistakes warns I-Play

October 4th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | 1 Comment »

David Gosen, CEO of I-Play warned the mobile industry in an article at gameindustry.biz. He pointed out that the mobile industry is already advancing in the way of user acceptance as the console market can only dream of numbers like a 50% female audience. He still sees a lot of potential in this market as in the last 25 years, 250 million consoles where sold whereas on a yearly basis, 800 million phones end up in the hands of consumers. He explains that the mobile developers must create a broad offering to avoid turning the market in a niche industry where growth is slow. The mobile industry must do whatever is needed to remain open to all consumers.

"What the mobile developer has to do is make sure it does not create barriers for entry for consumers. We’re starting to see that carriers understand that mobile phone decks are in effect retail stores, so they need to be merchandised and able to help consumers to the right content for them." said David Gosen.

    One Response to “Avoid console mistakes warns I-Play”

    1. Hm yes good point but I do have a broad if somewhat generic offering as a developer and I don’t see it making a great difference to my business account just yet.
      Makes me laugh some of these statements given that I am one of the troops on the ground actually fighting the mobile battle and not the top brass general in his office.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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