


Interview with I-Play’s David Gosen part 1

October 6th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in People | 3 Comments »

MobileIndustry.biz sat down with I-Play’s CEO David Gosen. Following the recent press releases and gossip in the industry, MI focuses on the business side of things.

    3 Responses to “Interview with I-Play’s David Gosen part 1”

    1. Michael says:

      Hmmmm, correct me if I’m wrong (and maybe I am), but isn’t “Freestyle Moto” developed by Xendex and I-Play the publisher ? Typical of a publisher to call this “our original IP” 🙂
      Of course, again, if this is not the case and this game is their IP, I withdraw my comments …
      Also, it’s funny to read twice the word “bought” instead of “brought” when mentionning Jewel Quest and Leighton Webb 🙂

    2. Arjan Olsder says:

      You are partly right when it comes to FMX. The original game is made by Xendex. I-Play just pasted one of their brands on it which was called Nate Adams. This game was a huge success on the market as Xendex did a great job on making this excellent game. However Nate Adams wasn’t really known to the average consumer. So for FMXII they also went back to Xendex, however since they didn’t stick the name Nate Adams on it anymore, it became original IP. At least this is my view on the situation.

    3. Michael says:

      Yes you are right, I do remember about the Nate Adams now you say it.
      Thanks for the precision Arjan !

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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