


Open Discussion #3: Abuse Them Pirates!

November 9th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming, Open Discussions | 3 Comments »

This morning I was having my breakfast chat session with Adrian Cummings. Now and then we’d like to spend a few minutes brainstorming about what is happening in the industry and how it involves him. Today, he was talking about his games launching on GameJump and how he would like to increase his revenue. Well there all you Greystripe users listen carefully. As we all know, Pirate sites and programs like Limewire form a huge cost to the mobile content society, so why not abuse them? On GameJump you can download the ad wrapped versions of your game for installing by PC. Why not send those files into LimeWire and to owners of pirate sites? That would massively increase the number of plays I recon

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    3 Responses to “Open Discussion #3: Abuse Them Pirates!”

    1. As Arjan states above this IS a good idea to tackle the Piracy issue openly and legally by taking away the value and moving it into ad sponsored free downloads – a damn good idea and may be the way of the future in many respects if mobile piracy continues on the path that has taken so far!
      Basically everybody gets a good deal over time and as a developer I actually make some money which has to be good rather than being ripped off, which in turn means I developer more titles and time becomes a loop – awesome and at last perhaps, just what the consumer, the developer/publisher adn the pirates want!

    2. Oaf says:

      What a fantastic idea!
      Even better, why not make naughty versions which dial our premium-rate number, running up the pirate’s phone bill and netting us some decent revenue 😀
      Nice one Adrian 🙂

    3. Anders Borg says:

      There’s another complementary solution, in the ad vein: Promote other games via a specific game. Even provide rebates if the user high scores etc. Also, provide a means for viral marketing from user to user (via SMS).

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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