


Mogmo, the Google of mobile?

November 14th, 2006 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | No Comments »

Some time ago we got tipped about a new method to get your games in the market. Mogmo is a google like searchengine, specialised in mobile content. After playing around a few seconds, we noticed ringtones and wallpapers are no challenge, so on to the real candy. Lets test the games search!

We kicked of by searching for one of the top brands in mobile today, Splinter Cell. With the speed of lightning, Mogmo presented us with all versions of Splinter Cell, just like we hoped it would be! The page presented us with screenshots  (mostly animated), a small oneliner about the game and a few options on where to  buy it. The companies that offered the game in my region where highlighted, which means they use geo IP services to know where I am  from.

To continue looking  around, we now chose a smaller title; Townsmen. Again we got numerous possibilities, and hardly a double result! Someone is really keeping the database clean! When expanding the details, Mogmo presented us a full product description in English with additional screenshots. Also Mogmo  showed us other possibilities to buy the game. For some of the games, multiple channels where available in the same country which allows the users to do price shopping. On the same page, Mogmo managed to show us Townsmen related games like  Memory Poopsy Also we noticed sponsored links on the right side of the page.  Much like Google, the Mogmo portal seems to get it’s revenues from  them.

The Match

To us, Mogmo seems to exactly fit the consumer experience for buying a mobile game. To show this, we have compared Mogmo to Google’s Froogle service on both exact game titles as  well as more common names and genres;

Mahjongg: MogmoFroogle
Xyanide: Mogmo | Froogle
Racing: Mogmo | Froogle
MicroMachines:  Mogmo | Froogle

As you see, we have appended ‘mobile game’ to all Froogle results as we expect the consumer to do the  same to assist targeting the right results. In the results, we can see Mogmo as  the clear winner when it comes to mobile games results.


We think Mogmo is  absolutely dominating over casual search engines. We have no real clue on how  these guys will market the portal to consumers, but it’s an important new step for sure.  Also we hope to see many more portals added to the service. For the developer, Mogmo offers both opportunities and a small problem at the same time. Mogmo doesn’t list games at operators, which means a more healthy rev-share in most  cases, however consumers are able to look for the portal with the lowest price  on the game. Next to this, ad-subsidized gaming has not entered Mogmo (yet).

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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