


CTIA: Glu Mobile’s Spring “Gaming” Break

March 28th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Game Announcements | 1 Comment »

At this year’s CTIA, Glu has announced their North American line-up of
mobile games and according to MoCoNews a new distribution relationship
with Thumbplay.

In the United States, Glu will release Poker Pop, Centipede, Kasparov Chess, Brain Genium, Project Gotham Racing (PGR) and Lemmings Return.

"The breadth of Glu’s talent and portfolio diversity really shine in our spring lineup," said Jill Braff, general manager of the Americas, Glu Mobile. "Glu games launching this spring showcase our ability to create quality games that appeal to a wide audience around the world."

In the Thumbplay deal, Glu makes available a big part of their current portfolio to Thumbplay’s consumer network. Thumbplay consumers can buy the game as a one off deal or on a subscription basis.

    One Response to “CTIA: Glu Mobile’s Spring “Gaming” Break”

    1. alex says:

      yeah, the thing you don’t understand is distribution with Thumbplay is pure PR – it will probably generate … wooping $5 (yes just five) of sales a month

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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