


MC10: Admob on the Future of Mobile Advertising

April 8th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | No Comments »

Admob AdMob’s Russel Buckley visited the Mobile Convention in Amsterdam last week and he spoke about how the mobile advertising market started to move for AdMob and where it might move next.

At the start of the presentation, he showed the public a small news item about ZagMe, an old SMS advertising company from Russel that was exploring mobile advertising at a too early stage. The public laughed at the projections the journalists made in the video for what they called ‘Electronic Leafleting’.

These days, AdMob is pushing out 14 billion impressions a month (160 billion since their start). AdMob serves mobile ads in 160 countries. They have 11.000 mobile websites and 4.000 Android and iPhone apps in their portfolio. AdMob has offices in 7 locations around the world.

Apart from just spreading an advert, advertisers now also utilize mobile landing pages which are made available in cooperation with UniCast and Netbiscuits. Flash is a no-go for these landing pages due to the iPhone’s popularity.

During the presentation of these facts, we see a couple of familiar logo’s flashing by; Lime Life, Mobillion, Fotochatten, Cellufun, Fun for Mobile, Mocospace amongst others mentioned.

Russel believes firmly that mobile advertising will grow as more brands are involving mobile in their advertising strategy. Coke for instance is evaluating investments in mobile with every move they make. The first Million Dollar mobile advertising campaigns have also been launched with companies like Land Rover and Jaguar.

He also thinks that location based and augmented advertising will grow. Big technologies for those are Google Maps and Layar.

Russel was also asked about the current situation of the Google acquisition. As long as the FCC hasn’t ruled, the two will remain competitors.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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