


Indiagames to go International With IG Fun

June 20th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Companies & M&A | No Comments »

IndiagamesIndiagames has always been one of the market leaders in India and in my content management days, they where even the first third party supplier of mobile games ever! Today, they plan to do their business in a new way.

By using the IG Fun label, Indiagames plans to restate their presence outside of India. Though Indiagames has been working on a global scale for years, the new brand and strategy should bring them to a top 5 player in all markets where they are active.

Part of this strategy is simple as Indiagames has the full support of all operators belonging the the 3 group. The biggest reason for this is because the major shareholder of Indiagames is also major shareholder of the 3 operator group. Next to these, Indiagames will use the label to extend the relationships with other EU and US operators like Vodafone, Telefonica, Sprint and AT&T.

“At IG Fun we operate under the simple idea that the customer is king and aim to provide fun and exciting games. Our main goals are to provide high quality games, the widest handset coverage and to support our titles with clutter breaking marketing and merchandising.” Said Sean Malatesta, VP of business development at Indiagames.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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