


GameJump Served 14 Million Free Mobile Games

August 23rd, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | 1 Comment »

GreystripeGreystripe keeps hitting big numbers when it comes to their GameJump.com website. Today, they announced to have distributed 14 million free mobile games to gamers world wide.

GameJump serverd these free downloads in just 12 months time. In total, GameJump features 800 mobile games voming from 70 publishers. On average a GameJump user downloads 3.4 free mobile games. One of the drivers for these big download numbers is probably the deal between Konami and Greystripe where Greystripe is distributing Frogger and Dance Dance Revolution for free as well.

Greystripe also showed that the top playing times for consumers are early in the morning and during lunch breaks. The male and female ratio is nearly equal.

“Now mobile gaming joins radio, internet, and television as a form of entertainment that can be offered free to the consumer, supported by advertising in our case, before and after a consumer plays our titles.” Said Michael Chang, CEO of Greystripe.

    One Response to “GameJump Served 14 Million Free Mobile Games”

    1. If only I had even a cent for every one eh! 🙂
      In reality though I don’t :/

    Leave a Reply






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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