


Player X Monopolizes O2

September 20th, 2007 by Anonymous Blogger Posted in Distribution | No Comments »

PlayerxPlayer X announced a new monster deal for the mobile games Publisher and developer as they closed an exclusive deal to deliver mobile games to O2 consumers in the UK.

In the deal, Player X will be working with the 20+ publishers already serving O2 and manage the deployment, porting and publication on O2’s mobile games portal.

"We searched high and low for a company that could mix commercial savvy with operational delivery of QA, porting and deployment. Thanks to a long-standing relationship with Player X, we had such a company on our doorstep and we’re confident this relationship will mean our mobile games partners’ content will reach our customers in the fastest possible time," said Antony Douglas, Head of Games at O2 UK.

"We’ve worked with O2 for a number of years and are delighted with this development. Our knowledge of the market and our new porting and QA facility in India means that we offer an end-to-end solution for all global mobile games publishers," said Tony Pearce, Player X CEO.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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