


MobileRated Pushing 1 Million Downloads a Month

December 7th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Analysis & Editorial | 1 Comment »

MobileratedMobileRated has announced that the portal provides over a million free mobile game downloads a month varying from demo’s to full featured and ad-funded mobile games.

"The nature of mobile phones change the gameplay dynamic, but less than many would have believed," said MobileRated president, Richard Mosher. "Some people see the medium as only effective for simple, casual games but we’ve had great success with certain highly engaging action games too. The truth is that successful games work within the limitations of the hardware they run on. Older and/or cheaper phones have more limitations and thus fewer successful game paradigms. New phone models incorporate significant capabilities and allow for gameplay that few could envision on a mobile phone as little as one year ago. The marketplace is not stagnating, it is evolving. Our downloads have grown 33% in a little more than three months and I firmly believe we are only scratching the surface of the true marketplace today."

    One Response to “MobileRated Pushing 1 Million Downloads a Month”

    1. Paul says:

      I’ve tried their games. I was amazed how many types of phones they support and how many games there are for mine (Moto RAZR). I think they had something like 5-6 different Tetris games alone.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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