


Redboss Announces Dangerous Dave

December 12th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Game Announcements | No Comments »

RedbossRedboss has announced the Dangerous Dave mobile game, based on the original Dangerous Dave from 1988, developed for the PC by gaming legend John Romero.

DangerousdaveWith the release, Redboss (part of Mliven), hopes to revive the classic Dangerous Dave experience. Dangerous Dave is scheduled for release during Q1 2008.

“From what I remember, this will be the mobile version of the oldest PC games ever entering the mobile game market, and we would like to continue pushing the brand. The brand like Doom, Wolfenstein, and Commander Keen, and Dangerous Dave, are legends in the PC game market, and many people remember when playing them on their first computers”, says Jan Rezab from Redboss Games / MLiven.

“I’ve been amazed over the years to hear of Dangerous Dave being played, even to this day, on computers in so many countries.  The game is addictive, challenging but not very long.  It’s definitely an ’80’s style game.  I’m very happy to be working with Redboss Games on the mobile launch of this classic.”, says John Romero

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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