


Windows Marketplace and BlackBerry App World Most Expensive App Stores

February 26th, 2010 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Research & Stats | No Comments »

Distimo Distimo has released their January 2010 report and this time, they took a look at App Store pricing (amongst others). It turns out that Windows Mobile and BlackBerry have the most expensive app stores.

Windows Mobile tops the charts with an average price of $4.91, followed by BlackBerry at $4,60. The cheapest App Store is that of Android with an average price of $2.08. In all cases, the pricing possibilities of the stores are partly responsible for the total levels. i.e. BlackBerry doesn’t allow pricing below $2.99.

1. Distimo-Average-Game-Prices-All-Stores

Distimo also took a closer look at the popularity of the gaming categories on Apple’s App Store. It turns out Puzzle is the most popular category amongst publishers and developers with 15% of the market. Action and Arcade share a second place at 11% and the least favorite is the Dice category.

2. Distimo-Percentage-Of-Games-Per-Category-Apple-App-Store

Looking at the price levels in those categories, RPG’s seem to be the most expensive games on offer with an average price of $7.96. Adventure is second at $4.43 and with $1.29, kids is the cheapest category.

2. Distimo-Percentage-Of-Games-Per-Category-Apple-App-Store

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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