


InnerActive and Jamster Show Ad-Funded Trail Data

February 18th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | No Comments »

JambaInnerActive and Jamster have disclosed information about the success of their UK trail in ad-funded mobile games, which lasted six weeks and ended December 31st last year.

Partners in this trial where advertisers Adidas, Domino’s Pizza and Calvin Klein. The advertisers managed to generate a 39% click-through rate in the six week period. These results are similar to tests performed earlyer with operator Cellcom, which we also reported on.

To increase the clickrate, the advertisers offered digital downloadable incentives via in-game advertisements. Examples where wallpapers, movie trailers and pizza vouchers.

Offer Yehudai, innerActive Co-CEO and Founder, comments: "We think the results of this trial speak for themselves. Our breakthrough technology, which enables us to dynamically embed relevant, contextual advertising and other marketing offers in-game, delivers great results. This new entertainment channel will offer an enriched user experience, reaching a vast and untapped audience and setting a new type of interactive dialogue between advertisers and audiences. This is the way forward for ad-funded mobile entertainment."

Lee Fenton, COO of Jamster, adds that this genre of advertising can also target new users and provide an additional source of revenues: "In an industry where only one in nine people who play a mobile game actually buy one, an ad-funded offering will spur consumer adoption and fuel consumption. As the leader in mobile entertainment we are early in this segment and eager to learn first hand, how our customers both current and future will adopt ad-funded games."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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