


EA Mobile Goes All Smart

April 1st, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Other news | No Comments »

EamobileEA Mobile has announced that many of it’s mobile games have been ported to a wide array of smartphone formats like Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Symbian.

"With smartphones becoming everyday devices, we are excited to offer the fun, and high quality of EA Mobile games to a growing and important worldwide market," said Travis Boatman, Vice President of Worldwide Studios for EA Mobile. "Offering top titles for the most popular smartphones, and our recent announcement that we will develop for the iPhone, reflect our focus and commitment to emerging platforms and markets."

Mmetrics"More people are consuming mobile games than ever before," comments Seamus McAteer, Senior Analyst for M:Metrics. "Last month, 7.5 million people downloaded and played a game on their phone, outnumbering other mobile activities – like listening to music and participating in social networks. Smartphone users in particular are avid consumers of games, with 7.3 percent downloading a game in the month–more than double the market average."

Symbianos"Mobile convergence has arrived and EA Mobile is taking it by storm by bringing its top-selling branded games to Symbian OS," said Jerry Panagrossi, Vice President and General Manager of North American Operations, Symbian. "With shipments of Symbian smartphones reaching over 200 million to date and consistent year-over-year growth, the commercial opportunity for providing compelling content is clear. We look forward to collaborating further with EA Mobile on bringing many more leading game titles to Symbian smartphones around the globe."

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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