


More on Hooper

April 2nd, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in 1 | 2 Comments »

Hooper_2Yes, yesterday was April Fools Day, and this year we joined the list of online jokers with our post about Hooper, the Swiss army knife of porting.

For those people mailing us about the Hooper site being down, no we will not forward any documents we read, of contact information we gathered. The company isn’t real.

Orangepixel_2We want to thank OrangePixel for commenting on the story to make it slightly more believable. Of course we promise to be serious until next year 😉

    2 Responses to “More on Hooper”

    1. Mixer says:

      2 general rules about Fools day jokes:
      1. The joke should now give somebody high hopes (i.e. you do not tell your employee that they are geting a pay rise – this is not funny if not true – see the office David Brent “I’ve got good news and i’ve got bad news” – “the good news is i am now area manager”, “the bad news is half of you guys will be made redundant”.
      2. An April Fools joke needs to be obvious at some point by making an unbelievable statement -this sorts out the half-dumb from the dumb who go along with it.
      Remember – an April Fools joke is not just a story which is not true!
      Hope you dont think im being pedantic but in fairness…

    2. Arjan says:

      Thanks for your comment. I kinda hoped that ‘open source’ and ‘porting everywhere’ could give high hopes. The fact that Nokia build where required would be giving the hint as, as far as my technical knowledge goes, they often are using Nokia API’s which are not available on not-Nokia devices.
      Well, it was my first time, and some people did respond to it. Next year, more preperation.
      Thanks for the tips!

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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