


AT&T Contest Update

May 6th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Game Awards | 1 Comment »

AttWhen we last spoke about the mobile gaming competition from AT&T and I-Play, the guys from BitRabbit posted an important note about the contest rules.

As they noted, it seemed like a lot of the rights of the submitted games where turned over to AT&T and I-Play. The Mobile Games Blog contacted AT&T to clear this up as well… we couldn’t imagine the situation being as grim as it looked. As so, AT&T notified us that;

“The AT&T Game Development Contest essentially gives the Sponsor and its agents (AT&T and I-play) the right to use all games submitted for marketing purposes. Submitting a game does not mean you are turning over the rights to your game to AT&T or I-play; it means that the companies have the right to market and mention the submitted games in contest-related communications, if they choose.  Furthermore, the prize for “premium deck placement at AT&T’ has a 60-day claim window in which the winning developer must use I-play to claim this prize within 60 days of notification of winning. This means that the winner must be published through I-play in order to be distributed at AT&T, otherwise they forfeit this prize. To clarify, this does not mean that the game could never be sold at AT&T, but that the prize of premium placement must come through I-play. Finally, the winner of the contest has the opportunity for a mobile game distribution contract with I-play on I-play’s standard terms, such as the game meeting I-play’s quality assurance requirements, etc.”

As so, we want to thank AT&T for clearing this up. We are looking forward to the first entries.

    One Response to “AT&T Contest Update”

    1. BitRabbit says:

      Hi Arjan,
      thanks for enquiring ! You have to admit that the wordin (as usual) was really not clear at all. We might have a submission then 🙂
      Cheers !

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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